n-fuse announces Series of LoRaWAN IoT-Devices
We are happy to announce a line of new IoT-related devices conisting of a sucessor to our already available LoRaWAN concentrator cards, a family of LoRaWAN enabled sensor devices and a sleek indoor multiprotocol IoT-gateway.
LoRaWAN Concentrator Card based on Semtech SX1303
Semtech's latest solution for LoRaWAN gatways shines with lower power consumption and two more spreading factors SF5, SF6. We continue our LRWCCx product line with a specimen based on the new SX1303 core cell reference design that will be available in H2 2020.

For more details check the data sheet.
New Family of LoRaWAN Enabled IoT Sensors
The sensors have dual wireless interface supporting NFC and LoRaWAN for the 868 MHz and 915 MHz band. The line up consists the models:
- sta-lr: Action Button with tactile feedback,
- stx-lr: Environment Sensor (Temperature, Humidity), Motion (Acceleration), Reed switch, Ambient light,
- ste-lr: Environment Sensor (Temperature, Humidity, Air pressure, Air quality VOCs).

The combination of the following features makes these products unique:
- Very small physical dimensions
- Appealing industrial design
- IP54 rated enclosure
- Residue-free adhesive tape based mounting
- Dual wireless interface with LoRaWAN and NFC for configuration and commissioning
- Ultra low power optimized to enable long battery life of 10+ years is possible
- Secure element for secure key storage
- Open source firmware and ability
- Possibility to re-program the device (programmer adapter available)
- Environmentally friendly through easily replaceable battery
- RF Output power of up to 14 dBm
- Firmware upgrade and device configuration via NFC
- Android based Mobile app for management
- With custom Firmware: freely programmable NFC tag providing NDEF records to mobile devices
The small housing and appealing design of the devices opens up new applications ranging from home automation use cases to professional customer facing scenarios. An interesting use case for the sta-lr-868 has Xingular, an IoT solution platform focussing on end-to-end use cases, with their prominent "Green Button Solution".
For more details check the data sheet and product page.
LTE enabled Multiprotocol indoor IoT-Gateway
Also we want to pre-announce a multiprotocol IoT-Gateway which is currently under development. We understood from our customers that there is a need for a low-cost, modular, compact IoT-Gateway for indoor applications that can easily deployed.
If you are interested in this product we would be pleased if you would let our sales team know.